Read ALL of the question options and then choose one or more to write about. Think deeply. Be profound.
1. Bryce's grandfather says about Juli, "Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.... But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare." What makes Juli iridescent?
2. Why do Bryce and Juli's feelings for each other flip? Has your opinion about someone ever flipped?
3. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
4. When Juli and her dad talk about Bryce, her dad tells her to "start looking at the whole landscape." What do you think he means? Does Juli see the whole landscape?
5. Juli tries hard to save the old sycamore tree because she loves it so much. Is there anything you would fight to save like Juli does?
6. Did you like it better when Bryce or Juli told the story? How did hearing from both points of view make you understand what was happening?
7. If the book continued, what do you think would happen to Bryce and Juli? Write the next chapter.