Read ALL of the question options and then choose one or more to write about. Think deeply. Be profound.
1. Bryce's grandfather says about Juli, "Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss.... But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare." What makes Juli iridescent?
2. Why do Bryce and Juli's feelings for each other flip? Has your opinion about someone ever flipped?
3. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
4. When Juli and her dad talk about Bryce, her dad tells her to "start looking at the whole landscape." What do you think he means? Does Juli see the whole landscape?
5. Juli tries hard to save the old sycamore tree because she loves it so much. Is there anything you would fight to save like Juli does?
6. Did you like it better when Bryce or Juli told the story? How did hearing from both points of view make you understand what was happening?
7. If the book continued, what do you think would happen to Bryce and Juli? Write the next chapter.
. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
i would rather live in Bryce's house .the reason is because Juli house is very dirty and not clean. Also because Bryce doesn't raise chickens and because Bryce has a nice and clean house.. also because i rather live in a clean house and a clean backyard than a dirty house and a dirty backyard.
Did you like it better when Bryce or Juli told the story? How did hearing from both points of view make you understand what was happening?
I like both of their stories because I can hear how both of them were thinking of each other. How they were talking about each other. Julianna was giving information how she was feeling about Brice what she was thinking about him. Brice was telling us how she felt about Julianna that she didn't like her at first but then he was changing his feelings about her. They both had details about everything. They had very good descriptions about their family. They made it interesting because they had different feelings about each other. They were flipping their feelings which made more interesting.Brice made his good because he was talking about his dad being a worm. Many people don't call their parents worm specially their dads.
Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
I will prefer to live in Juli's family because there some kind of feeling in her family like in the beginning of the story Juli didn't really have a lot of things like what Bryce had and Juli's family kinda reminds me of something special i don't know what but something.Her family was different from the other family in the story like she lost a lot like the tree it was hard for Juli and in the end Bryce was planting a tree for her.She had a hard time but she still was happy sometimes and thats what I care and thats why i pick her family.
Did you like it better when Bryce or Juli told the story? How did hearing from both points of view make you understand what was happening?
I liked it better when Juli told the story. Because she made it much more interesting. But I kind of liked it when Bryce told it to. But it wasn't as interesting as Juli's. It was more interesting because she would talk about Bryce in the beginning. But in the end I liked how Bryce put the story. Because he was going to kiss Juli and I didn't expect that. So I kind of liked both parts when they told the story. So that is my oppinon on which part I like.
Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
I'd prefer to live with Juli then Bryce.I rather choose Juli because I like how Juli and her mom discuss with each other about their life.And also they tell each other what they should do and what they shouldn't do.I'd do that with my mom but I never get time to.So I usually talk with my sisters about my problems.
And with Bryce's family it doesn't look like they never discuss things with each other.And Bryce could talk with his dad or mom or even his grandpa what he should tell Juli or things he shouldn't tell Juli.That's what I think about Bryce's family.
Did you like it better when Bryce or Juli told the story? How did hearing from both points of view make you understand what was happening?
If the book continued, what do you think would happen to Bryce and Juli? Write the next chapter.
If I would of wrote the next chapter I think Bryce and Juli would of talked about what happened. She would tell him that she was trying to get over him but she just couldn't. So during the basket boy thing she was going to spend her money on him but no one was spending there money on John because she put him in that poison. And they of end up kissing like when they were going to kiss at the basket boy. Then they would start going out.And then they wouldn't have any problems except when people would talk about them because they are going out.
2. Why do Bryce and Juli's feelings for each other flip? Has your opinion about someone ever flipped?
Bryce and Julies opinions for each other has flipped because Julie used to like Bryce, she was like so in love with him and tried to kiss him. But know she doesn't like him and she does not want to kiss him and she is trying to avoid him!!! Bryce changed because he used to hate Julie and he always wanted to hide from her and wish she didn't like him, also he was embarrassed about Julie trying to kiss him and trying to hang around him all the time. He flipped by starting to like Julie and he wanted to kiss her and be with her all the time. He was getting frustrated when she would not talk to him! I have had a lot of things flipped in my life because I would start to like something or someone or I would not like it anymore.
3. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
I would rather live with Julie's family because they are very sensitive, they talk about stuff that goes on through the day , they work hard and care about others. I think Julie's family is a nice and loving family and that is what i enjoy about the the most. They are very hard working and they are active. They also try to fix their problems. What do you think about this?
Why do Bryce and Juli's feelings for each other flip? Has your opinion about someone ever flipped
it has flipped because Juli used to like Bryce but Bryce did not like Juli.also now Bryce likes Juli and Juli is mad at Bryce probably because bryce tried to kiss Juli while he was on a date with some other girls..yes because me and Lucy and them were friends but now she has stopped being my friend for no reason..so she has flipped by me and her used to be friends. Also sometimes i feel like i am being flipped to.
arianna- how do you know that Juli's house is not clean? So far we only know that her backyard was dirty.
3. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
i would want to live in Juli's family. it seems like you will be paid attention to and Bryce's house seems like they fight a lot i would not want to live in a house where they fight a lot.So i would prefer to be in Juli's family
If I had to chose living with Brise's family and Julie's family I think that I would live with Brise's family because they have more stuff and their family is more dissent.
Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
I would rather life in Juli's house, Because I wold have someone to talk to. Rather have parents that are not fighting around. I wouldn't care that my back yard was dirty because I can clean it up.If I was living with Brice I couldn't talk to any body because my parents would be fighting.
Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
I would like to live with Juli's family. Because they don't really get into fights as much as Bryce's family.
3. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
i would want to live in Juli's family. it seems like you will be paid attention to and Bryce's house seems like they fight a lot i would not want to live in a house where they fight a lot.So i would prefer to be in Juli's family
Why do Bryce and Juli's feelings for each other flip? Has your opinion about someone ever flipped?
Did you like it better when Bryce or Juli told the story? How did hearing from both points of view make you understand what was happening?
I'd say that I like both sides of the story because Juli she tells us in the story what she feels in the story.
And Bryce tell us in the story what he feel about Juli.
What i also think is that when they tel us what's happening in the story.And every time when it's one of their turn they add something in to the story and it makes it more interesting.
Or also they tell their part of the story and then we know what Juli is doing while Bryce said something or when it's Bryce turn to tell their half of the story he then knows what Juli telling him.
Who is anonymous?
5. Juli tries hard to save the old sycamore tree because she loves it so much. Is there anything you would fight to save like Juli does?
Yes, there is stuff i would try to save. I would probably try to save friendship ad family, because they are the most special thing a person could have, (besides shelter and food and stuff like that). I do not know what thing I would save though!?! What would you save?
6. Did you like it better when Bryce or Juli told the story? How did hearing from both points of view make you understand what was happening?
I liked it when they both talked because i could understand both points of view and I could feel what they both were feeling. I like to understand what both characters are going through because it helps me out through the whole story.
3. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
If I had a choice to live in either Byrce's or Juli's family I would choose Byrce. Even though they are not the riches they most of the time treat eachother right.
If the book continued, what do you think would happen to Bryce and Juli? Write the next chapter.
i think it would talk about that juli might start likeing bryce and then kiss bryce.also i thind then after bryce kisses juli it will go around the whole school..
Why do Bryce and Juli's feelings for each other flip? Has your opinion about someone ever flipped?
Yes, unfortunately, my feelings for friends and even boys I liked did flip.
Let me tell you about these times in my life.
Time #1: Code Name KS, first name, Kim. Kim and I were inseparable. I mean, we were basically joined at the hip. Everyday, we ate lunch together, hung out after school, spent the night at each other's house and hoped that we were in every middle school class together.
For 3 years: 6th, 7th and 8th grade, we were best buds! The bonus part was that we lived around the corner from one another!
So imagine the 2 of us, sharing music, rockin' out to AC/DC, sharing the books we loved, and most of all just talking and hanging out like great friends do.
Then came 9th grade....to be continued....
5. Juli tries hard to save the old sycamore tree because she loves it so much. Is there anything you would fight to save like Juli does?
Adrian, Juli's bros are...interesting to say the least. Which family has the least problems?
Now that you've finished the book, do you still feel the same way?
That piece about Bryce calling his dad a worm WAS interesting and strange. I think Bryce used to be a worm or grub...is he a butterfly now or just on his way to becoming one?
I agree with you about the way the story is constructed to share each of the lead character's POVs (point of views)...after all there is always more than one side to the story!
I know what you mean. Even though Juli was poor, her family was happy and really loved each other--despite the David situation. Juli was a product of the kindness and creativity of her parents and Bryce was a victim of his shallow father....
I wonder if you also liked Juli's POV more because you could relate to her being a girl and all.
Great points. I do agree that Juli's family is more open and really knows each other.
I think sometimes families seem "together" on the outside, like Bryce's family did, but really they are a mess. Appearances can be deceiving....
Bryce does have a very dramatic wy of telling the story. Probably you can relate to him because you are both guys.
Your comment about hearing both sides so that you could really get what was going on in the book was insightful.
So would your version have a happy ending? Would they go out all throughout high school? What kind of a person would Bryce turn out to be?
I agree with you. Do you think it is normal for a lot of things to flip in your life when you are a teenager, like you are? When did a lot of things start to flip in your your life? At what age?
I totally am with you on wanting to live with Julie's family. I think despite the fact that they have little, they love each other and like you said work together to fix things.
Good thinking! :)
Give me some examples on how things in your life have flipped. When? What?
I think you are right about the romance going around the whole school. :)
I can see where in some ways that living with Bryce's family might be easier from a material standpoint, but what about the relationships in their family and how they talk with each other? Which family has the least problems?
Brice is in the way to becoming a butterfly because he is changing his feelings for Julie and his thinking different from his friends.
You really think Bryce's family treats each other better than Julie's family? What is your evidence?
Mrs. parent,
Yes the ending would be happy. i say they would probably get married. Bryce would turn out to be nice and care about Juli.
Wow! That was beautiful! I agree!! I had never thought about Bryce emerging from his cocoon and tuning into a butterfly!
Ms. Parent,
Yes,I do relate more to Juli's POV more because of being a girl and all.
3. Would you prefer to live in Bryce's family or Juli's family? Why?
i would rather live in Bryce's house because Juli's house is so dirty. i rather have a older sisters and not older brothers. i like clean house like Bryce's house Juli's house raises chicken. i like Bryce's house because he doesn't raise chickens and he has the least amount of trouble.but Juli has the most trouble because of Juli's brother David and her backyard is so messy.but Bryce's yard is not messy.
I totally agree with you. I think that in Julie's family they have much better relationships.
I like that you made a text-to-self connection between the Sycamore tree that Julie loved and the one you planted for your grandpa.
Do you think that it was right or wrong for Bryce and the other kids not to stand up with Julie and fight for the tree?
But what about the relationships that Julie and her family have with each other versus the ones that Bryce's family and his family have with each other? Which family gets along better and has fewer problems?
What evidence do you have that the inside of Julie's house is dirty? Plus, she has been working her tail off to get the yard clean...
What do you think about all of that?
Ah, Sarina, so...a happy ending after all....?
when i said julis house was dirty i ment the backyard was dirty
on thursday at school my friends grandma died and i started to cry and then through the day i was happy and i wasnt thinking about anything sad..so that was one thing that flipped in my life.
ya because once love happens it some times goes around the school..especially when someone or some people dont like that person but then some body else does.
i kinda feel the same waysnc
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